AAPCHO Releases New Report on NHPI Health Centers

AAPCHO recently released a report analyzing new data from health centers on the status of NHPIs with chronic diseases , along with key findings and recommendations.

Unfortunately, NHPI-serving health centers have not met Healthy People 2020 goals, except for controlled hypertension rates. When Native Hawaiian-serving health centers are disaggregated from Pacific Islander-serving health centers, significant disparities were uncovered. PI-serving health centers consistently outperformed NH-serving health centers for childhood immunizations, cervical cancer screenings, colorectal cancer screenings, and patients with controlled hypertension. NHPI-serving health centers were also found to have more than twice as many patients with diabetes and HbA1c levels greater than 9% than the average health center.

The report recommends further disaggregation of NHPI data beyond Native Hawaiians, expanding innovative community partnerships such as the PI-Diabetes Prevention Program, developing culturally and linguistically appropriate health care interventions, and advocating for adequate funding to address NHPI health disparities.